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Search results for: pensions

in: Briefs

Mark Paraskeva, CEO SME Division, IRISTen pension automatic enrollment myths
Mark Paraskeva, CEO SME Division, IRIS (05-Jun-2014)
Automatic enrolment is highly complex and it can be easy to become confused about what is and isn't true - here are 10 myths busted
Chris Curry, Director, Pensions Policy InstituteRetirement income - will it be adequate?
Chris Curry, Director, Pensions Policy Institute (22-Oct-2013)
The average earner who saves only the minimum contribution towards their pension will only have a 50 - 50 chance of getting an adequate pension
Mark Paraskeva, CEO Payroll Division, IRISPension reforms - be prepared
Mark Paraskeva, CEO Payroll Division, IRIS (25-Jun-2013)
Businesses will soon be affected by the recent pension reforms and must identify their staging date and be prepared to comply with the new requirements for auto-enrolment
Lucy Stokes, NIESRPension changes coming - who knows what to do?
Lucy Stokes, NIESR (10-Aug-2012)
Many large employers are ready for the pension reforms, but awareness and understanding is still lacking in most companies
Wayne Daniel, CEO, MetLife AssuranceUK pensions - the changing landscape
Wayne Daniel, CEO, MetLife Assurance (28-Jun-2012)
The UK pensions landscape has changed dramatically in the past few years - it's techy, but important to us all - DB largely replaced by DC and what of the future?
Alexandra Kitching, PQM Manager at NAPFThe UK pensions crisis - introduction of a standard
Alexandra Kitching, PQM Manager at NAPF (18-May-2012)
The UK is in bad shape when it comes to saving for its old age and we need to change that - the PQM introduces some standards
Niki Cleal, PPI DirectorInadequate pensions for today's over 50s
Niki Cleal, PPI Director (26-Apr-2012)
A smaller proportion of today’s over 50s is likely to have enough retirement income to replicate the full standard of living they enjoyed whilst working
Simon Foster of Zurich (Pensions)Pension benefits - who is taking advantage?
Simon Foster of Zurich (Pensions) (25-Nov-2011)
Providing pension benefits is valuable to the employee and also to the employer in attracting and retaining staff
Howard Robson of Warner GoodmanSocial media and retirement biggest HR issues
Howard Robson of Warner Goodman (23-Aug-2011)
Changes to retirement laws and growth in social media are now occupying more time than ever for SME companies

in: Articles

Joanne SegarsOccupational pensions - continuous revolution
Joanne Segars
The pace of change in the world of workplace pensions has been relentless and is not about to stop. The impact of regulation and Government interference has had a dramatic impact in the UK.

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